Volunteer with us.
Volunteers are a critical part of empowering our students to pursue their potential. It is only with the involvement of volunteers that our students receive the individual mentoring that changes their lives or the academic support that makes success in school a possibility.
We are always looking for new volunteers to join our community and impact youth! If you’re interested in volunteering, please follow the link below to fill out an application.
This sign up form is for adult volunteers. If you are under 18 years of age and/or still in high school, please email for student volunteer information (Kennett Square Garage Student Volunteer or Avondale Garage Student Volunteer).
AFter school
Build relationships and positively influence students by helping with drop-in homework and/or enrichment activities. Tutoring can be scheduled with student to help a student with homework and projects for specific subject needs.
The Makerspace in our Avondale center is open daily Monday through Thursday and provides a space for students to explore creative arts including pottery, sewing, graphic design, horticulture, and more! Volunteers would assist Makerspace coordinator with activity and clean up.
Body Shop Program
The program provides fitness and physical health workshops. Students learn about the benefits and safety of weight lifting, proper cardio, stretching, and how to maintain healthy growing bodies. Students work together to perform physical activity but also learn trust and relational skills through a safe and comfortable workout space. Volunteers will join students in exercises, build relationships, and provide safety and support during workouts.
MAPS Program
Work with our juniors and seniors to build skills that will help them be successful after high school. Help write resumes, find and apply for scholarships, research colleges and post high school options.
Fundraising + Events
Help with mailings, event planning, decoration, and event success including our annual Holiday Auction, Spring Campaign, and monthly Parent Events. Work with a group and contribute to the success of a major funding opportunity.
Other Support Positions
Community Liaison: Twice monthly. Get out in the community and share the good news of The Garage at community events and presentations to local organizations.
Drive Coordinator: Monthly, flexible. Coordinate with local groups, businesses, and churches to host drives for snacks, school supplies, and gift cards for our after school programming.
Transportation: Offer safe and reliable transportation for students during after-school program for off-site events and field trips.
One-time Workshop Presenter: Very flexible. Offer a presentation to our students on your career, business, or hobby.
Administrative: Twice monthly. Help us to input data, student attendance, grades, new student information, etc.
Maintenance: Flexible. Attend to various maintenance needs at either center.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please complete the form below or contact:
Murphy McArdle, Volunteer Coordinator